Yahoo! UI Library

gallery-accordion  1.12

Yahoo! UI Library > gallery-accordion > gallery-accordion-item.js (source view)
 * Provides AccordionItem class
 * @module gallery-accordion


// Local constants
var Lang = Y.Lang,
    Node = Y.Node,
    JSON = Y.JSON,
    WidgetStdMod = Y.WidgetStdMod,
    AccItemName = "accordion-item",
    getCN = Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName,
    C_ICONEXPANDED_EXPANDING = getCN( AccItemName, "iconexpanded", "expanding" ),
    C_ICONEXPANDED_COLLAPSING = getCN( AccItemName, "iconexpanded", "collapsing" ),

    C_ICON = getCN( AccItemName, "icon" ),
    C_LABEL = getCN( AccItemName, "label" ),
    C_ICONALWAYSVISIBLE = getCN( AccItemName, "iconalwaysvisible" ),
    C_ICONSCONTAINER = getCN( AccItemName, "icons" ),
    C_ICONEXPANDED = getCN( AccItemName, "iconexpanded" ),
    C_ICONCLOSE = getCN( AccItemName, "iconclose" ),
    C_ICONCLOSE_HIDDEN = getCN( AccItemName, "iconclose", "hidden" ),

    C_ICONEXPANDED_ON = getCN( AccItemName, "iconexpanded", "on" ),
    C_ICONEXPANDED_OFF = getCN( AccItemName, "iconexpanded", "off" ),

    C_ICONALWAYSVISIBLE_ON = getCN( AccItemName, "iconalwaysvisible", "on" ),
    C_ICONALWAYSVISIBLE_OFF = getCN( AccItemName, "iconalwaysvisible", "off" ),

    C_EXPANDED =  getCN( AccItemName, "expanded" ),
    C_CLOSABLE =  getCN( AccItemName, "closable" ),
    C_ALWAYSVISIBLE =  getCN( AccItemName, "alwaysvisible" ),
    C_CONTENTHEIGHT =  getCN( AccItemName, "contentheight" ),

    TITLE = "title",
    STRINGS = "strings",
    RENDERED = "rendered",
    CLASS_NAME = "className",
    AUTO = "auto",
    STRETCH = "stretch",
    FIXED = "fixed",
    HEADER_SELECTOR = ".yui3-widget-hd",
    DOT = ".",
    HEADER_SELECTOR_SUB = ".yui3-widget-hd " + DOT,
    INNER_HTML = "innerHTML",
    ICONS_CONTAINER = "iconsContainer",
    ICON = "icon",
    NODE_LABEL = "nodeLabel",
    ICON_ALWAYSVISIBLE = "iconAlwaysVisible",
    ICON_EXPANDED = "iconExpanded",
    ICON_CLOSE = "iconClose",
    HREF = "href",
    HREF_VALUE = "#",
    YUICONFIG = "yuiConfig",

    REGEX_TRUE = /^(?:true|yes|1)$/,
    REGEX_AUTO = /^auto\s*/,
    REGEX_STRETCH = /^stretch\s*/,
    REGEX_FIXED = /^fixed-\d+/;

 * Create an AccordionItem widget.
 * @class AccordionItem
 * @extends Widget

Y.AccordionItem = Y.Base.create( AccItemName, Y.Widget, [Y.WidgetStdMod], {
     * Creates the header content
     * @method _createHeader
     * @protected
    _createHeader: function(){
        var closable, templates, strings,  iconsContainer,
            icon, nodeLabel, iconExpanded, iconAlwaysVisible, iconClose;

        icon = this.get( ICON );
        nodeLabel = this.get( NODE_LABEL );
        iconExpanded = this.get( ICON_EXPANDED );
        iconAlwaysVisible = this.get( ICON_ALWAYSVISIBLE );
        iconClose = this.get( ICON_CLOSE );
        iconsContainer = this.get( ICONS_CONTAINER );

        strings = this.get( STRINGS );
        closable = this.get( "closable" );
        templates = Y.AccordionItem.TEMPLATES;

        if( !icon ){
            icon = Node.create( templates.icon );
            this.set( ICON, icon );

        if( !nodeLabel ){
            nodeLabel = Node.create( templates.label );
            this.set( NODE_LABEL, nodeLabel );
        } else if( !nodeLabel.hasAttribute( HREF ) ){
            nodeLabel.setAttribute( HREF, HREF_VALUE );

        nodeLabel.setContent( this.get( "label" ) );

        if( !iconsContainer ){
            iconsContainer = Node.create( templates.iconsContainer );
            this.set( ICONS_CONTAINER, iconsContainer );

        if( !iconAlwaysVisible ){
            iconAlwaysVisible = Node.create( templates.iconAlwaysVisible );
            iconAlwaysVisible.setAttribute( TITLE, strings.title_always_visible_off );
            this.set( ICON_ALWAYSVISIBLE, iconAlwaysVisible );
        } else if( !iconAlwaysVisible.hasAttribute( HREF ) ){
            iconAlwaysVisible.setAttribute( HREF, HREF_VALUE );

        if( !iconExpanded ){
            iconExpanded = Node.create( templates.iconExpanded );
            iconExpanded.setAttribute( TITLE, strings.title_iconexpanded_off );
            this.set( ICON_EXPANDED, iconExpanded );
        } else if( !iconExpanded.hasAttribute( HREF ) ){
            iconExpanded.setAttribute( HREF, HREF_VALUE );

        if( !iconClose ){
            iconClose = Node.create( templates.iconClose );
            iconClose.setAttribute( TITLE, strings.title_iconclose );
            this.set( ICON_CLOSE, iconClose );
        } else if( !iconClose.hasAttribute( HREF ) ){
            iconClose.setAttribute( HREF, HREF_VALUE );

        if( closable ){
            iconClose.removeClass( C_ICONCLOSE_HIDDEN );
        } else {
            iconClose.addClass( C_ICONCLOSE_HIDDEN );


     * Add label and icons in the header. Also, it creates header in if not set from markup
     * @method _addHeaderComponents
     * @protected
    _addHeaderComponents: function(){
        var header, icon, nodeLabel, iconsContainer, iconExpanded,
            iconAlwaysVisible, iconClose;

        icon = this.get( ICON );
        nodeLabel = this.get( NODE_LABEL );
        iconExpanded = this.get( ICON_EXPANDED );
        iconAlwaysVisible = this.get( ICON_ALWAYSVISIBLE );
        iconClose = this.get( ICON_CLOSE );
        iconsContainer = this.get( ICONS_CONTAINER );

        header = this.getStdModNode( WidgetStdMod.HEADER );

        if( !header ){
            header = new Node( document.createDocumentFragment() );
            header.appendChild( icon );
            header.appendChild( nodeLabel );
            header.appendChild( iconsContainer );
            iconsContainer.appendChild( iconAlwaysVisible );
            iconsContainer.appendChild( iconExpanded );
            iconsContainer.appendChild( iconClose );

            this.setStdModContent( WidgetStdMod.HEADER, header, WidgetStdMod.REPLACE );
        } else {
            if( !header.contains( icon ) ){
                if( header.contains( nodeLabel ) ){
                    header.insertBefore( icon, nodeLabel );
                } else {
                    header.appendChild( icon );

            if( !header.contains( nodeLabel ) ){
                header.appendChild( nodeLabel );

            if( !header.contains( iconsContainer ) ){
                header.appendChild( iconsContainer );

            if( !iconsContainer.contains( iconAlwaysVisible ) ){
                iconsContainer.appendChild( iconAlwaysVisible );

            if( !iconsContainer.contains( iconExpanded ) ){
                iconsContainer.appendChild( iconExpanded );

            if( !iconsContainer.contains( iconClose ) ){
                iconsContainer.appendChild( iconClose );

     * Handles the change of "labelChanged" property. Updates item's UI with the label provided
     * @method _labelChanged
     * @protected
     * @param params {EventFacade} The event facade for the attribute change
    _labelChanged: function( params ){
        var label;

        if( this.get( RENDERED ) ){
            label = this.get( NODE_LABEL );
            label.set( INNER_HTML, params.newVal );

     * Handles the change of "closableChanged" property. Hides or shows close icon
     * @method _closableChanged
     * @protected
     * @param params {EventFacade} The event facade for the attribute change
    _closableChanged: function( params ){
        var iconClose;

        if( this.get( RENDERED ) ){
            iconClose = this.get( ICON_CLOSE );

            if( params.newVal ){
                iconClose.removeClass( C_ICONCLOSE_HIDDEN );
            } else {
                iconClose.addClass( C_ICONCLOSE_HIDDEN );

     * Initializer lifecycle implementation for the AccordionItem class.
     * @method initializer
     * @protected
     * @param  config {Object} Configuration object literal for the AccordionItem
    initializer: function( config ) {
        this.after( "labelChange",  Y.bind( this._labelChanged, this ) );
        this.after( "closableChange", Y.bind( this._closableChanged, this ) );

     * Destructor lifecycle implementation for the AccordionItem class.
     * @method destructor
     * @protected
    destructor : function() {
        // EMPTY

     * Creates AccordionItem's header.
     * @method renderUI
     * @protected
    renderUI: function(){

     * Configures/Sets up listeners to bind Widget State to UI/DOM
     * @method bindUI
     * @protected
    bindUI: function(){
        var contentBox = this.get( "contentBox" );

        contentBox.delegate( "click", Y.bind( this._onLinkClick, this ), HEADER_SELECTOR + ' a' );

     * Prevent default action on clicking the link in the label
     * @method _onLinkClick
     * @protected
     * @param e {Event} The click event
    _onLinkClick: function( e ){

    * Marks the item as always visible by adding class to always visible icon.
    * The icon will be updated only if needed.
    * @method markAsAlwaysVisible
    * @param alwaysVisible {Boolean} If true, the item should be marked as always visible.
    * @return {Boolean} Return true if the icon has been updated, false if there was no need to update
    markAsAlwaysVisible: function( alwaysVisible ){
        var iconAlwaysVisisble, strings;

        iconAlwaysVisisble = this.get( ICON_ALWAYSVISIBLE );
        strings = this.get( STRINGS );

        if( alwaysVisible ){
            if( !iconAlwaysVisisble.hasClass( C_ICONALWAYSVISIBLE_ON ) ){
                iconAlwaysVisisble.replaceClass( C_ICONALWAYSVISIBLE_OFF, C_ICONALWAYSVISIBLE_ON );
                iconAlwaysVisisble.set( TITLE, strings.title_always_visible_on );
                return true;
        } else {
            if( iconAlwaysVisisble.hasClass( C_ICONALWAYSVISIBLE_ON ) ){
                iconAlwaysVisisble.replaceClass( C_ICONALWAYSVISIBLE_ON, C_ICONALWAYSVISIBLE_OFF );
                iconAlwaysVisisble.set( TITLE, strings.title_always_visible_off );
                return true;

        return false;

    * Marks the item as expanded by adding class to expand icon.
    * The icon will be updated only if needed.
    * @method markAsExpanded
    * @param expanded {Boolean} Boolean indicating that item should be marked as expanded.
    * @return {Boolean} Return true if the icon has been updated, false if there was no need to update
    markAsExpanded: function( expanded ){
        var strings, iconExpanded;

        iconExpanded = this.get( ICON_EXPANDED );
        strings = this.get( STRINGS );

        if( expanded ){
            if( !iconExpanded.hasClass( C_ICONEXPANDED_ON ) ){
                iconExpanded.replaceClass( C_ICONEXPANDED_OFF, C_ICONEXPANDED_ON );
                iconExpanded.set( TITLE , strings.title_iconexpanded_on );
                return true;
        } else {
            if( iconExpanded.hasClass( C_ICONEXPANDED_ON ) ){
                iconExpanded.replaceClass( C_ICONEXPANDED_ON, C_ICONEXPANDED_OFF );
                iconExpanded.set( TITLE , strings.title_iconexpanded_off );
                return true;

        return false;

    * Marks the item as expanding by adding class to expand icon.
    * The method will update icon only if needed.
    * @method markAsExpanding
    * @param expanding {Boolean} Boolean indicating that the item should be marked as expanding.
    * @return {Boolean} Return true if the icon has been updated, false if there was no need to update
    markAsExpanding: function( expanding ){
        var iconExpanded = this.get( ICON_EXPANDED );

        if( expanding ){
            if( !iconExpanded.hasClass( C_ICONEXPANDED_EXPANDING ) ){
                iconExpanded.addClass( C_ICONEXPANDED_EXPANDING );
                return true;
        } else {
            if( iconExpanded.hasClass( C_ICONEXPANDED_EXPANDING ) ){
                iconExpanded.removeClass( C_ICONEXPANDED_EXPANDING );
                return true;

        return false;

    * Marks the item as collapsing by adding class to expand icon.
    * The method will update icon only if needed.
    * @method markAsCollapsing
    * @param collapsing {Boolean} Boolean indicating that the item should be marked as collapsing.
    * @return {Boolean} Return true if the icon has been updated, false if there was no need to update
    markAsCollapsing: function( collapsing ){
        var iconExpanded = this.get( ICON_EXPANDED );

        if( collapsing ){
            if( !iconExpanded.hasClass( C_ICONEXPANDED_COLLAPSING ) ){
                iconExpanded.addClass( C_ICONEXPANDED_COLLAPSING );
                return true;
        } else {
            if( iconExpanded.hasClass( C_ICONEXPANDED_COLLAPSING ) ){
                iconExpanded.removeClass( C_ICONEXPANDED_COLLAPSING );
                return true;

        return false;

     * Forces the item to resize as result of direct content manipulation (via 'innerHTML').
     * This method should be invoked if 'contentHeight' property has been set to 'auto'.
     * @method resize
    resize : function(){ "contentUpdate" );

     * Parses and returns the value of contentHeight property, if set method "fixed".
     * The value must be in this format: fixed-X, where X is integer
     * @method _extractFixedMethodValue
     * @param value {String} The value to be parsed
     * @return {Number} The parsed value or null
     * @protected
    _extractFixedMethodValue: function( value ){
        var i, length, chr, height = null;

        for( i = 6, length = value.length; i < length; i++ ){ // 6 = "fixed-".length
            chr = value.charAt(i);
            chr = parseInt( chr, 10 );

            if( Lang.isNumber( chr ) ){
                height = (height * 10) + chr;
            } else {

        return height;

     * Validator applied to the icon attribute. Setting new value is not allowed if Accordion has been rendered.
     * @method _validateIcon
     * @param value {MIXED} the value for the icon attribute
     * @return {Boolean}
     * @protected
    _validateIcon: function( value ) {
        return !this.get(RENDERED) || value;

     * Validator applied to the nodeLabel attribute. Setting new value is not allowed if Accordion has been rendered.
     * @method _validateNodeLabel
     * @param value {MIXED} the value for the nodeLabel attribute
     * @return {Boolean}
     * @protected
    _validateNodeLabel: function( value ) {
        return !this.get(RENDERED) || value;

     * Validator applied to the iconsContainer attribute. Setting new value is not allowed if Accordion has been rendered.
     * @method _validateIconsContainer
     * @param value {MIXED} the value for the iconsContainer attribute
     * @return {Boolean}
     * @protected
    _validateIconsContainer: function( value ) {
        return !this.get(RENDERED) || value;

     * Validator applied to the iconExpanded attribute. Setting new value is not allowed if Accordion has been rendered.
     * @method _validateIconExpanded
     * @param value {MIXED} the value for the iconExpanded attribute
     * @return {Boolean}
     * @protected
    _validateIconExpanded: function( value ) {
        return !this.get(RENDERED) || value;

     * Validator applied to the iconAlwaysVisible attribute. Setting new value is not allowed if Accordion has been rendered.
     * @method _validateIconAlwaysVisible
     * @param value {MIXED} the value for the iconAlwaysVisible attribute
     * @return {Boolean}
     * @protected
    _validateIconAlwaysVisible: function( value ) {
        return !this.get(RENDERED) || value;

     * Validator applied to the iconClose attribute. Setting new value is not allowed if Accordion has been rendered.
     * @method _validateIconClose
     * @param value {MIXED} the value for the iconClose attribute
     * @return {Boolean}
     * @protected
    _validateIconClose: function( value ) {
        return !this.get(RENDERED) || value;

     * Setter applied to the input when updating the icon attribute.  Input can
     * be a Node, raw HTMLElement, or a selector string to locate it.
     * @method _setIcon
     * @param value {Node|HTMLElement|String} The icon element Node or selector
     * @return {Node} The Node if found, null otherwise.
     * @protected
    _setIcon: function( value ){
        return value ) || null;

     * Setter applied to the input when updating the nodeLabel attribute.  Input can
     * be a Node, raw HTMLElement, or a selector string to locate it.
     * @method _setNodeLabel
     * @param value {Node|HTMLElement|String} The nodeLabel element Node or selector
     * @return {Node} The Node if found, null otherwise.
     * @protected
    _setNodeLabel: function( value ){
        return value ) || null;

     * Setter applied to the input when updating the iconsContainer attribute.  Input can
     * be a Node, raw HTMLElement, or a selector string to locate it.
     * @method _setIconsContainer
     * @param value {Node|HTMLElement|String} The iconsContainer element Node or selector
     * @return {Node} The Node if found, null otherwise.
     * @protected
    _setIconsContainer: function( value ){
        return value ) || null;

     * Setter applied to the input when updating the iconExpanded attribute.  Input can
     * be a Node, raw HTMLElement, or a selector string to locate it.
     * @method _setIconExpanded
     * @param value {Node|HTMLElement|String} The iconExpanded element Node or selector
     * @return {Node} The Node if found, null otherwise.
     * @protected
    _setIconExpanded: function( value ){
        return value ) || null;

     * Setter applied to the input when updating the iconAlwaysVisible attribute.  Input can
     * be a Node, raw HTMLElement, or a selector string to locate it.
     * @method _setIconAlwaysVisible
     * @param value {Node|HTMLElement|String} The iconAlwaysVisible element Node or selector
     * @return {Node} The Node if found, null otherwise.
     * @protected
    _setIconAlwaysVisible: function( value ){
        return value ) || null;

     * Setter applied to the input when updating the iconClose attribute.  Input can
     * be a Node, raw HTMLElement, or a selector string to locate it.
     * @method _setIconClose
     * @param value {Node|HTMLElement|String} The iconClose element Node or selector
     * @return {Node} The Node if found, null otherwise.
     * @protected
    _setIconClose: function( value ){
        return value ) || null;

     * Overwrites Widget's _applyParser method in order to parse yuiConfig attribute before entering in HTML_PARSER attributes
     * @method _applyParser
     * @protected
     * @param config {Object} User configuration object (will be populated with values from Node)
    _applyParser : function(config) {
        var srcNode;

        srcNode = this.get( "srcNode" );

        if( srcNode ){
            this._parsedYUIConfig = srcNode.getAttribute( YUICONFIG );

            if( this._parsedYUIConfig ){
                this._parsedYUIConfig = JSON.parse( this._parsedYUIConfig );

        Y.AccordionItem.superclass._applyParser.apply( this, arguments );

        delete this._parsedYUIConfig;

     * Overwrites Y.WidgetStdMod fuction in order to resolve Widget 3.1 issue:<br>
     * If CONTENT_TEMPLATE is null, in renderUI the result of the following code:
     * <code>this.getStdModNode( Y.WidgetStdMod.HEADER );</code> is null.
     * The same is with <code>this.getStdModNode( Y.WidgetStdMod.BODY );</code>.
     * @method _findStdModSection
     * @protected
     * @param {String} section The section for which the render Node is to be found. Either WidgetStdMod.HEADER, WidgetStdMod.BODY or WidgetStdMod.FOOTER.
     * @return {Node} The rendered node for the given section, or null if not found.
    _findStdModSection: function(section) {
        return this.get("srcNode").one("> ." + Y.WidgetStdMod.SECTION_CLASS_NAMES[section]);

}, {
     *  Static property provides a string to identify the class.
     * @property NAME
     * @type String
     * @static
    NAME : AccItemName,

     * Static property used to define the default attribute
     * configuration for the Accordion.
     * @property Accordion.ATTRS
     * @type Object
     * @static
    ATTRS : {

         * @description The Node, representing item's icon
         * @attribute icon
         * @default null
         * @type Node
        icon: {
            value: null,
            validator: function( value ){
                return this._validateIcon( value );
            setter : function( value ) {
                return this._setIcon( value );

         * @description The label of item
         * @attribute label
         * @default "&#160;"
         * @type String
        label: {
            value: "&#160;",
            validator: Lang.isString

         * @description The node, which contains item's label
         * @attribute nodeLabel
         * @default null
         * @type Node
        nodeLabel: {
            value: null,
            validator: function( value ){
                return this._validateNodeLabel( value );
            setter : function( value ) {
                return this._setNodeLabel( value );

         * @description The container of iconAlwaysVisible, iconExpanded and iconClose
         * @attribute iconsContainer
         * @default null
         * @type Node
        iconsContainer: {
            value: null,
            validator: function( value ){
                return this._validateIconsContainer( value );
            setter : function( value ) {
                return this._setIconsContainer( value );

         * @description The Node, representing icon expanded
         * @attribute iconExpanded
         * @default null
         * @type Node
        iconExpanded: {
            value: null,
            validator: function( value ){
                return this._validateIconExpanded( value );
            setter : function( value ) {
                return this._setIconExpanded( value );

         * @description The Node, representing icon always visible
         * @attribute iconAlwaysVisible
         * @default null
         * @type Node
        iconAlwaysVisible: {
            value: null,
            validator: function( value ){
                return this._validateIconAlwaysVisible( value );
            setter : function( value ) {
                return this._setIconAlwaysVisible( value );

         * @description The Node, representing icon close, or null if the item is not closable
         * @attribute iconClose
         * @default null
         * @type Node
        iconClose: {
            value: null,
            validator: function( value ){
                return this._validateIconClose( value );
            setter : function( value ) {
                return this._setIconClose( value );

         * @description Get/Set expanded status of the item
         * @attribute expanded
         * @default false
         * @type Boolean
        expanded: {
            value: false,
            validator: Lang.isBoolean

         * @description Describe the method, which will be used when expanding/collapsing
         * the item. The value should be an object with at least one property ("method"):
         *  <dl>
         *      <dt>method</dt>
         *          <dd>The method can be one of these: "auto", "fixed" and "stretch"</dd>
         *      <dt>height</dt>
         *          <dd>Must be set only if method's value is "fixed"</dd>
         *  </dl>
         * @attribute contentHeight
         * @default auto
         * @type Object
        contentHeight: {
            value: {
                method: AUTO
            validator: function( value ){
                if( Lang.isObject( value ) ){
                    if( value.method === AUTO ){
                        return true;
                    } else if( value.method === STRETCH ){
                        return true;
                    } else if( value.method === FIXED && Lang.isNumber( value.height ) &&
                        value.height >= 0 ){
                        return true;

                return false;

         * @description Get/Set always visible status of the item
         * @attribute alwaysVisible
         * @default false
         * @type Boolean
        alwaysVisible: {
            value: false,
            validator: Lang.isBoolean

         * @description Get/Set the animaton specific settings. By default there are no any settings.
         * If set, they will overwrite Accordion's animation settings
         * @attribute animation
         * @default {}
         * @type Object
        animation: {
            value: {},
            validator: Lang.isObject

         * @description Provides client side string localization support.
         * @attribute strings
         * @default Object English messages
         * @type Object
        strings: {
            value: {
                title_always_visible_off: "Click to set always visible on",
                title_always_visible_on: "Click to set always visible off",
                title_iconexpanded_off: "Click to expand",
                title_iconexpanded_on: "Click to collapse",
                title_iconclose: "Click to close"

         * @description Boolean indicating that the item can be closed by user.
         * If true, there will be placed close icon, otherwise not
         * @attribute closable
         * @default false
         * @type Boolean
        closable: {
            value: false,
            validator: Lang.isBoolean

     * Static Object hash used to capture existing markup for progressive
     * enhancement.  Keys correspond to config attribute names and values
     * are selectors used to inspect the srcNode for an existing node
     * structure.
     * @property HTML_PARSER
     * @type Object
     * @protected
     * @static


        label: function( srcNode ){
            var node, labelSelector, yuiConfig, label;

            yuiConfig = this._parsedYUIConfig;

            if( yuiConfig && Lang.isValue( yuiConfig.label ) ){
                return yuiConfig.label;

            label = srcNode.getAttribute( "data-label" );

            if( label ){
                return label;

            labelSelector = HEADER_SELECTOR_SUB + C_LABEL;
            node = labelSelector );

            return (node) ? node.get( INNER_HTML ) : null;

        nodeLabel: HEADER_SELECTOR_SUB + C_LABEL,





        expanded: function( srcNode ){
            var yuiConfig, expanded;

            yuiConfig = this._parsedYUIConfig;

            if( yuiConfig && Lang.isBoolean( yuiConfig.expanded ) ){
                return yuiConfig.expanded;

            expanded = srcNode.getAttribute( "data-expanded" );

            if( expanded ) {
                return REGEX_TRUE.test( expanded );

            return srcNode.hasClass( C_EXPANDED );

        alwaysVisible: function( srcNode ){
            var yuiConfig, alwaysVisible;

            yuiConfig = this._parsedYUIConfig;

            if( yuiConfig && Lang.isBoolean( yuiConfig.alwaysVisible ) ){
                alwaysVisible = yuiConfig.alwaysVisible;
            } else {
                alwaysVisible = srcNode.getAttribute( "data-alwaysvisible" );

                if( alwaysVisible ) {
                    alwaysVisible = REGEX_TRUE.test( alwaysVisible );
                } else {
                    alwaysVisible = srcNode.hasClass( C_ALWAYSVISIBLE );

            if( alwaysVisible ){
                this.set( "expanded", true, {
                    internalCall: true
                } );

            return alwaysVisible;

        closable: function( srcNode ){
            var yuiConfig, closable;

            yuiConfig = this._parsedYUIConfig;

            if( yuiConfig && Lang.isBoolean( yuiConfig.closable ) ){
                return yuiConfig.closable;

            closable = srcNode.getAttribute( "data-closable" );

            if( closable ) {
                return REGEX_TRUE.test( closable );

            return srcNode.hasClass( C_CLOSABLE );

        contentHeight: function( srcNode ){
            var contentHeightClass, classValue, height = 0, index, yuiConfig,

            yuiConfig = this._parsedYUIConfig;

            if( yuiConfig && yuiConfig.contentHeight ){
                return yuiConfig.contentHeight;

            contentHeight = srcNode.getAttribute( "data-contentheight" );

            if( REGEX_AUTO.test( contentHeight ) ){
                return {
                    method: AUTO
            } else if( REGEX_STRETCH.test( contentHeight ) ){
                return {
                    method: STRETCH
            } else if( REGEX_FIXED.test( contentHeight ) ){
                height = this._extractFixedMethodValue( contentHeight );

                return {
                    method: FIXED,
                    height: height

            classValue = srcNode.get( CLASS_NAME );

            contentHeightClass = C_CONTENTHEIGHT + '-';

            index = classValue.indexOf( contentHeightClass, 0);

            if( index >= 0 ){
                index += contentHeightClass.length;

                classValue = classValue.substring( index );

                if( REGEX_AUTO.test( classValue ) ){
                    return {
                        method: AUTO
                } else if( REGEX_STRETCH.test( classValue ) ){
                    return {
                        method: STRETCH
                } else if( REGEX_FIXED.test( classValue )  ){
                    height = this._extractFixedMethodValue( classValue );

                    return {
                        method: FIXED,
                        height: height

            return null;

      * The template HTML strings for each of header components.
      * e.g.
      * <pre>
      *    {
      *       icon : '&lt;a class="yui3-accordion-item-icon"&gt;&lt;/a&gt;',
      *       label: '&lt;a href="#" class="yui3-accordion-item-label"&gt;&lt;/a&gt;',
      *       iconsContainer: '&lt;div class="yui3-accordion-item-icons"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;',
      *       iconAlwaysVisible: '&lt;a href="#" class="yui3-accordion-item-iconalwaysvisible"&gt;&lt;/a&gt;',
      *       iconExpanded: '&lt;a href="#" class="yui3-accordion-item-iconexpanded"&gt;&lt;/a&gt;',
      *       iconClose: '&lt;a href="#" class="yui3-accordion-item-iconclose yui3-accordion-item-iconclose-hidden"&gt;&lt;/a&gt;'
      *    }
      * </pre>
      * @property WidgetStdMod.TEMPLATES
      * @type Object
         icon : '<a class="' + C_ICON + '"></a>',
         label: '<a href="#" class="' + C_LABEL + '"></a>',
         iconsContainer: '<div class="' + C_ICONSCONTAINER + '"></div>',
         iconExpanded: ['<a href="#" class="', C_ICONEXPANDED, ' ', C_ICONEXPANDED_OFF, '"></a>'].join(''),
         iconAlwaysVisible: ['<a href="#" class="', C_ICONALWAYSVISIBLE, ' ',  C_ICONALWAYSVISIBLE_OFF, '"></a>'].join(''),
         iconClose: ['<a href="#" class="', C_ICONCLOSE, ' ', C_ICONCLOSE_HIDDEN, '"></a>'].join('')



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