Yahoo! UI Library

gallery-undo  1.01

Yahoo! UI Library > gallery-undo > gallery-undoableaction.js (source view)
 * Provides UndoableAction class
 * @module gallery-undo


 * Create a UndoableAction
 * @class UndoableAction
 * @extends Base
 * @param config {Object} Configuration object
 * @constructor
function UndoableAction( config ){
    UndoableAction.superclass.constructor.apply( this, arguments );

var Lang = Y.Lang,
    UAName = "UndoableAction",
    LABEL = "label",
    BEFOREUNDO = "beforeUndo",
    UNDOFINISHED = "undoFinished",
    BEFOREREDO = "beforeRedo",
    REDOFINISHED = "redoFinished";

Y.mix( UndoableAction, {
     * The identity of UndoableAction.
     * @property UndoableAction.NAME
     * @type String
     * @static
    NAME : UAName,

     * Static property used to define the default attribute configuration of UndoableAction.
     * @property UndoableAction.ATTRS
     * @type Object
     * @protected
     * @static
    ATTRS : {
         * The label of action
         * @attribute label
         * @type String
         * @default ""
        label: {
            value: "",
            validator: Lang.isString

         * Boolean, indicates if action must be processed asynchronously.
         * If true, <code>undo</code> method must fire <code>undoFinished</code> event.
         * Respectively, <code>redo</code> method must fire <code>redoFinished</code> event
         * @attribute asyncProcessing
         * @type Boolean
         * @default false
        asyncProcessing : {
            value: false,
            validator: Lang.isBoolean

Y.extend( UndoableAction, Y.Base, {
     * Container for child actions of this action
     * @property _childActions
     * @protected
     * @type Array
    _childActions : [],

     * Publishes events
     * @method initializer
     * @protected
    initializer : function( cfg ) {

     * Destructor lifecycle implementation for UndoableAction class.
     * @method destructor
     * @protected
    destructor : function() {

     * Publishes UndoableAction's events
     * @method _initEvents
     * @protected
    _initEvents : function(){
         * Signals the beginning of action undo.
         * @event beforeUndo
         * @param event {Event.Facade} An Event Facade object
        this.publish( BEFOREUNDO );
         * Signals the end of action undo.
         * @event undoFinished
         * @param event {Event.Facade} An Event Facade object
        this.publish( UNDOFINISHED );
         * Signals the beginning of action redo.
         * @event beforeRedo
         * @param event {Event.Facade} An Event Facade object
        this.publish( BEFOREREDO );
         * Signals the end of action redo.
         * @event redoFinished
         * @param event {Event.Facade} An Event Facade object
        this.publish( REDOFINISHED );

     * The default implemetation undoes all child actions in reverse order.
     * @method undo
    undo : function(){
        var childActions, action, i; BEFOREUNDO );
        childActions = this._childActions;

        for( i = childActions.length - 1; i > 0; i-- ){
            action = childActions[i];
        } UNDOFINISHED );
     * The default implemetation redoes all child actions.
     * @method redo
    redo : function(){
        var childActions, action, i, length; BEFOREREDO );

        childActions = this._childActions;
        length = childActions.length;
        for( i = 0; i < length; i++ ){
            action = childActions[i];
        } REDOFINISHED );
     * Depending on the application, an UndoableAction may merge with another action. If merge was successfull, merge must return true; otherwise returns false.
     * The default implemetation returns false.
     * @method merge
     * @param {Y.UndoableAction} newAction The action to merge with
     * @return {Boolean} false
    merge : function( newAction ){
        return false;

     * UndoManager invokes <code>cancel</code> method of action before removing it from the list.<br>
     * The default implemetation does nothing.
     * @method cancel
    cancel : function(){
     * Overrides <code>toString()</code> method.<br>
     * The default implementation returns the value of <code>label</code> property.
    toString : function(){
        return this.get( LABEL );

Y.UndoableAction = UndoableAction;


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