Yahoo! UI Library

gallery-undo  1.01

Yahoo! UI Library > gallery-undo > gallery-undomanager.js (source view)
 * Provides UndoManager class
 * @module gallery-undo


     * Create a UndoManager to manage list of undoable actions.
     * @class UndoManager
     * @extends Base
     * @param config {Object} Configuration object
     * @constructor
    function UndoManager( config ){
        UndoManager.superclass.constructor.apply( this, arguments );

    var Lang = Y.Lang,
    UMName = "UndoManager",
    ACTIONADDED = "actionAdded",
    ACTIONMERGED = "actionMerged",
    BEFORECANCELING = "beforeCanceling",
    ACTIONCANCELED = "actionCanceled",
    CANCELINGFINISHED = "cancelingFinished",
    BEFOREUNDO = "beforeUndo",
    ACTIONUNDONE = "actionUndone",
    UNDOFINISHED = "undoFinished",
    BEFOREPURGE = "beforePurge",
    PURGEFINISHED = "purgeFinished",
    BEFOREREDO = "beforeRedo",
    REDOFINISHED = "redoFinished",
    ACTIONREDONE = "actionRedone",
    ASYNCPROCESSING = "asyncProcessing",
    UNLIMITED = 0;

    Y.mix( UndoManager, {
         * The identity of UndoManager.
         * @property UndoManager.NAME
         * @type String
         * @static
        NAME : UMName,

         * Static property used to define the default attribute configuration of UndoManager.
         * @property UndoManager.ATTRS
         * @type Object
         * @protected
         * @static
        ATTRS : {

             * Holds the maximum number of actions in UndoManager. By default the number of actions is not limited.
             * @attribute limit
             * @type Number
             * @default 0 (unlimited)
            limit: {
                value: UNLIMITED,
                validator: function( value ){
                    return Lang.isNumber( value ) && value >= 0;

             * The index of command, that will be executed on the next call to redo().
             * If undo() has been not invoked, the value is the size of the current list of actions.
             * Otherwise, it is the index of the last action that was undone.
             * @attribute undoIndex
             * @type Number
             * @readOnly
            undoIndex : {
                readOnly: true,
                getter: function(){
                    return this._undoIndex;

    Y.extend( UndoManager, Y.Base, {

         * Collection of actions.
         * @property _actions
         * @protected
         * @type Array
        _actions : [],

         * If undo() has been not invoked, _undoIndex is the size of the current list of actions.
         * Otherwise, it is the index of the last action that was undone.
         * @property _undoIndex
         * @protected
         * @type Number
        _undoIndex : 0,

         * The handle of the currently executed asynchronous action
         * @property _actionHandle
         * @protected
         * @type Object
        _actionHandle : null,

         * Boolean, indicates if UndoManager is currently processing an action
         * @property _processing
         * @protected
         * @type Boolean
        _processing : false,

         * Publishes events and subscribes to after event for limit.
         * @method initializer
         * @protected
        initializer : function( cfg ) {
            this.after( "limitChange", Y.bind( this._afterLimit, this ) );

         * Destructor lifecycle implementation for UndoManager class.
         * Removes and cancels the added actions.
         * @method destructor
         * @protected
        destructor : function() {

         * Publishes UndoManager's events
         * @method _initEvents
         * @protected
        _initEvents : function(){
             * Signals an <code>Y.UndoableAction</code> has been added to list
             * @event actionAdded
             * @param event {Event.Facade} An Event Facade object with the following attribute specific properties added:
             *  <dl>
             *      <dt>action</dt>
             *          <dd>An <code>Y.UndoableAction</code> added to the list</dd>
             *  </dl>
            this.publish( ACTIONADDED );

             * Signals an <code>Y.UndoableAction</code> has been merged with another one
             * @event actionMerged
             * @param event {Event.Facade} An Event Facade object with the following attribute specific properties added:
             *  <dl>
             *      <dt><code>Y.UndoableAction</code> action</dt>
             *          <dd>The action, accepted merge</dd>
             *      <dt><code>Y.UndoableAction</code> mergedAction</dt>
             *          <dd>The merged action</dd>
             *  </dl>
            this.publish( ACTIONMERGED );
             * Signals the beginning of a process in which one or more actions will be canceled.
             * @event beforeCanceling
             * @param event {Event.Facade} An Event Facade object
             this.publish( BEFORECANCELING );
             * Signals an action has been canceled.
             * @event actionCanceled
             * @param event {Event.Facade} An Event Facade object with the following attribute specific properties added:
             *  <dl>
             *      <dt>action</dt>
             *          <dd>An <code>Y.UndoableAction</code> canceled</dd>
             *      <dt>index</dt>
             *          <dd>The index of the action in the list</dd>
             *  </dl>
            this.publish( ACTIONCANCELED );
             * Signals a canceling actions process has been finished.
             * @event cancelingFinished
             * @param event {Event.Facade} An Event Facade object
            this.publish( CANCELINGFINISHED );
             * Signals the beginning of a process in which one or more actions will be purged from the list.
             * @event beforePurge
             * @param event {Event.Facade} An Event Facade object
            this.publish( BEFOREPURGE );

             * Signals the end of purge process. <code>UndoManager</code> cancels each action before its removing.
             * @event purgeFinished
             * @param event {Event.Facade} An Event Facade object
            this.publish( PURGEFINISHED );

             * Signals the beginning of a process in which one or more actions will be undone.
             * @event beforeUndo
             * @param event {Event.Facade} An Event Facade object
            this.publish( BEFOREUNDO );
             * Signals an action has been undone.
             * @event actionUndone
             * @param event {Event.Facade} An Event Facade object with the following attribute specific properties added:
             *  <dl>
             *      <dt>action</dt>
             *          <dd>An <code>Y.UndoableAction</code> undone</dd>
             *      <dt>index</dt>
             *          <dd>The index of the action in the list</dd>
             *  </dl>
            this.publish( ACTIONUNDONE );

             * Signals the end of undo process.
             * @event undoFinished
             * @param event {Event.Facade} An Event Facade object
            this.publish( UNDOFINISHED );

             * Signals the beginning of a process in which one or more actions will be redone.
             * @event beforeRedo
             * @param event {Event.Facade} An Event Facade object
            this.publish( BEFOREREDO );
             * Signals an action has been redone.
             * @event actionRedone
             * @param event {Event.Facade} An Event Facade object with the following attribute specific properties added:
             *  <dl>
             *      <dt>action</dt>
             *          <dd>An <code>Y.UndoableAction</code> redone</dd>
             *      <dt>index</dt>
             *          <dd>The index of the action in the list</dd>
             *  </dl>
            this.publish( ACTIONREDONE );
             * Signals the end of redo process.
             * @event redoFinished
             * @param event {Event.Facade} An Event Facade object
            this.publish( REDOFINISHED );

         * Adds an UndoableAction to UndoManager.<br>
         * Removes and cancels all actions from the current action index till the end of the list.
         * Tries to merge the current action with the <code>newAction</code>, passed as parameter. If <code>currentAction.merge(newAction)</code> returns false, UndoManager places the <code>newAction</code> at the end of the list.<br>
         * Fires <code>actionAdded</code> event if action has been added to the list, or <code>actionMerged</code> if <code>newAction</code> has been merged.
         * @method add
         * @param {Y.UndoableAction} newAction The action to be added
         * @return {Boolean} True if action was added to the list. The result might be False if UndoManager was processing another (asynchronous) action.
        add : function( newAction ){
            var curAction = null, actions, undoIndex, tmp, merged  = false;
            if( this._processing ){
                return false;

            actions = this._actions;
            undoIndex = this._undoIndex;

            if( undoIndex > 0 ){
                curAction = actions[ undoIndex - 1 ];

            if( undoIndex < actions.length ){

                while( undoIndex < actions.length ){
                    tmp = actions.splice( -1, 1 )[0];

           ACTIONCANCELED, {
                        action: tmp,
                        index : actions.length

            if( curAction ){
                merged = curAction.merge( newAction );

                if( !merged ){
                    actions.push( newAction );
            } else {
                actions.push( newAction );
            if( !merged ){
                    action : newAction
            } else {
                    'action' : curAction,
                    'mergedAction' : newAction
            return true;

         * Removes actions from the list if their number exceedes the <code>limit</code>
         * @method _limitActions
         * @param {Number} limit The max number of actions in the list
         * @protected
        _limitActions : function( limit ){
            var actions, action,
            halfLimit, actionsLeft, actionsRight, deleteLeft, deleteRight,
            index, i, j;

            if( !limit ){
                limit = this.get( "limit" );

            if( limit === UNLIMITED ){
            actions = this._actions;

            if( actions.length <= limit ){
            index = this._undoIndex;

            halfLimit = parseInt( limit / 2, 10 );

            actionsLeft = limit - halfLimit;
            actionsRight = limit - actionsLeft;

            deleteLeft = index - actionsLeft;
            deleteRight = actions.length - index - actionsRight;

            if( deleteLeft < 0 ){
                deleteRight += deleteLeft;
            } else if( deleteRight < 0 ){
                deleteLeft += deleteRight;

            if( deleteLeft > 0 || deleteRight > 0 ){

                for( i = 0; i < deleteLeft; i++ ){

                    action = actions.splice( 0, 1 )[0];
           ACTIONCANCELED, {
                        'action': action,
                        index : 0

                for( i = actions.length - 1, j = 0; j < deleteRight; i--, j++ ){
                    action = actions.splice( i, 1 )[0];
           ACTIONCANCELED, {
                        'action': action,
                        index : i

         * Invokes <code>_limitActions</code> in order to keep the number of actions in the list according to the <code>limit</code>.
         * @method _afterLimit
         * @param params {Event} limitChange custom event
         * @protected
        _afterLimit : function( params ){
            this._limitActions( params.newVal );
         * Undoes the action before current index by calling its <code>undo</code> method.
         * If <code>asyncProcessing</code> property of the action is true, UndoManager waits until action fires <code>undoFinished</code> event.
         * During this time undoing/redoing and adding new actions will be suspended.
         * @method undo
        undo : function(){
            if( this.canUndo() ){
                this._undoTo( this._undoIndex - 1 );
         * Redoes the action at current index by calling its <code>redo</code> method.
         * If <code>asyncProcessing</code> property of the action is true, UndoManager waits until action fires <code>redoFinished</code> event.
         * During this time undoing/redoing and adding new actions will be suspended.
         * @method redo
        redo : function(){
            if( this.canRedo() ){
                this._redoTo( this._undoIndex + 1 );
         * Checks if undo can be done. The function will return false if there are no actions in the list,
         * the current index is 0 or UndoManager is waiting for another asynchronous action to complete.
         * @method canUndo
         * @return {Boolean} true if undo is possible, false otherwise
        canUndo : function(){
            return !this._processing && this._undoIndex > 0;
         * Checks if redo can be done. The function will return false if there are no actions in the list,
         * current index is equal to the length of the list or UndoManager is waiting for another asynchronous action to complete.
         * @method canRedo
         * @return {Boolean} true if redo is possible, false otherwise
        canRedo : function(){
            return !this._processing && this._undoIndex < this._actions.length;
         * If undo is posible, returns the value of <code>label</code> property of the action to be undone.
         * @method getUndoLabel
         * @return {String} The value of label property
        getUndoLabel : function(){
            var action;

            if( this.canUndo() ){
                action = this._actions[ this._undoIndex - 1 ];
                return action.get( "label" );
            return null;
         * If redo is posible, returns the value of <code>label</code> property of the action to be redone.
         * @method getRedoLabel
         * @return {String} The value of label property
        getRedoLabel : function(){
            var action;

            if( this.canRedo() ){
                action = this._actions[ this._undoIndex ];
                return action.get( "label" );
            return null;
         * Cancels and removes all actions from the list
         * @method purgeAll
        purgeAll : function(){
            this.purgeTo( 0 );

         * Cancels and removes actions from the end of the list (the most recent actions) to the index, passed as parameter.
         * @method purgeTo
         * @param {Number} index The index in the list to which actions should be be removed
        purgeTo : function( index ){
            var action, i = this._actions.length - 1;

            if( i >= index ){

                for( ; i >= index; i-- ) {
                    action = this._actions.splice( i, 1 )[0];

           ACTIONCANCELED, {
                        'action': action,
                        index : i

                if( this._undoIndex > index ){
                    this._undoIndex = index;

                this._processing = false;


         * Calls undo or redo methods of the actions registered while current index is less or greater than the <code>newIndex</code> passed.
         * @method processTo
         * @param newIndex The new value of <code>undoIndex</code>
        processTo : function( newIndex ){
            if( Lang.isNumber(newIndex) && !this._processing &&
                newIndex >= 0 && newIndex <= this._actions.length ){
                if( this._undoIndex < newIndex ){
                    this._redoTo( newIndex );
                } else if( this._undoIndex > newIndex ){
                    this._undoTo( newIndex );
         * Redoes all actions from current index to <code>newIndex</code>. In case of asynchronous action, waits until action fires <code>redoFinished</code> event.
         * @method _redoTo
         * @protected
         * @param newIndex The new value of <code>undoIndex</code>
        _redoTo : function( newIndex ){
            var action = this._actions[ this._undoIndex++ ];

            if( !this._processing ){
       BEFOREREDO );
                this._processing = true;

            if( !action.get( ASYNCPROCESSING ) ){
                    'action' : action,
                    index : this._undoIndex - 1
                } );

                if( this._undoIndex < newIndex ){
                    this._redoTo( newIndex );
                } else {
                    this._processing = false;
           REDOFINISHED );
            } else {
                this._actionHandle = action.on( REDOFINISHED,
                      Y.bind( this._onAsyncRedoFinished, this, action, newIndex ) );

         * Undoes all actions from current index to <code>newIndex</code>. In case of asynchronous action, waits until action fires <code>undoFinished</code> event.
         * @method _undoTo
         * @protected
         * @param newIndex The new value of <code>undoIndex</code>
        _undoTo : function( newIndex ){
            var action = this._actions[ --this._undoIndex ];

            if( !this._processing ){
       BEFOREUNDO );
                this._processing = true;

            if( !action.get( ASYNCPROCESSING ) ){
                    'action': action,
                    index : this._undoIndex

                if( this._undoIndex > newIndex ){
                    this._undoTo( newIndex );
                } else {
                    this._processing = false;
           UNDOFINISHED );
            } else {
                this._actionHandle = action.on( UNDOFINISHED,
                    Y.bind( this._onAsyncUndoFinished, this, action, newIndex ) );

         * Handles the completion of undo method of asynchronous action.
         * Fires <code>actionUndone</code> event. Checks if <code>newIndex</code> is less than current index. If true, invokes _undoTo again, or fires <code>undoFinished</code> event otherwise.
         * @method _onAsyncUndoFinished
         * @protected
         * @param {Y.UndoableAction} action The asynchronous action which undo method has been completed.
         * @param {Number} newIndex The new value of <code>undoIndex</code>
        _onAsyncUndoFinished : function( action, newIndex ){
            this._actionHandle = null;

                'action': action,
                index : this._undoIndex
            if( this._undoIndex > newIndex ){
                this._undoTo( newIndex );
            } else {
                this._processing = false;
                    'action': action

         * Handles the completion of redo method of asynchronous action. 
         * Fires <code>actionRedone</code> event. Checks if <code>newIndex</code> is bigger than current index. If true, invokes _redoTo again, or fires <code>redoFinished</code> event otherwise.
         * @method _onAsyncRedoFinished
         * @protected
         * @param {Y.UndoableAction} action The asynchronous action which redo method has been completed.
         * @param {Number} newIndex The new value of <code>undoIndex</code>
        _onAsyncRedoFinished : function( action, newIndex ){
            this._actionHandle = null;
                'action': action,
                index : this._undoIndex - 1

            if( this._undoIndex < newIndex ){
                this._redoTo( newIndex );
            } else {
                this._processing = false;
                    'action': action

    Y.UndoManager = UndoManager;


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